
House Painting

Having a specialization in painting includes providing exceptional quality in painting houses completely whether it be a interior, exterior, or a complete house new construction we do it all. Having painted everything from vinyl to brick exteriors and from full stain woodwork inside to full enamel offices we have a plethora of experience and are capable of tackling any project you may need done.

Wood Repair

Lets face it we cant control the weather and like many things wood is something that over time fails, rots, or simply needs replaced. Being that we believe in making things simpler we can take a look at a house painting and repair wood that needs to be replaced. Having replaced many feet of brick molding, siding, window sills, or cornice sections. Give us a call and we can take a look at anything that may need replacing.


Kitchen Cabinets

Having been in the painting industry as long as I have i quickly learned that kitchen cabinets require the most attention to detail. Why? Well the answer is simply answered in the feel. Not only do they need to be as smooth as possible but they need to have the hardest coating possible on them. Lacquer coatings have been around forever but the ease of application has not changed and its a simple fact that its incredibly difficult to achieve a smooth surface that is applied a way that the sheen is perfect and not flashing. Using a Air Assisted Airless machine that is a specialty tool used only for the purpose of getting a perfect finish.


Epoxy Floors

If you are looking for a great looking and long lasting coating look no further than a quality epoxy coating. With many different colors and many different sprinkle options we can come up with a unique floor color that can be as custom as you want.